In this video, Chara discusses her research on the language-skills of children who speak English as an Additional Language in the UK. She describes and takes further what has been referred to as the UK’s language crisis, considers what has triggered it, and reflects on what meaningful support for pupils with other languages looks like in this context.
"Is our education as a whole available and inclusive for everyone, for all children, if we're not taking into account all of the immigrant, refugee children, or children of refugees and immigrants in the UK? Is it really inclusive if we're not actively trying to include them in our policies, if we're not taking their skills into account?"
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Chara Triantafyllidou [2021] is a PhD candidate in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics and is investigating the role of prosody in the reading comprehension skills of children who speak English as an Additional Language (EAL) in the UK, and the potential mediating role of socioeconomic status in reading and prosodic skills.